Saturday, March 26, 2011

Click here for a Photo Tribute to Lars


Susie said...

Beautiful piece, Sally. What a happy, handsome guy my little cousin was. I think I have watched it at least 10 times already -- thank you for sharing this.

Molly said...

Excellent, thanks for letting me see. He was such a handsome fella!

Anonymous said...

You are all so adorable in these photos Sally! Young and vital. Lars looks like a man who lived life fully and without fear...impressive!

Sally said...

Caroline hope you're doing well. We will always miss him.

Angela Gottschall, M.Ed. said...

I had no idea my guardian angel had passed. Lars took care of me and watched over me during the '80's, '90's. He was my big brother for so many things. Mostly, he kept letting me know I was a pretty decent person when I needed to know it the most. He used to let me read his scripts, and was instrumental in getting me a job at UCLA, and helped me through divorce and marriage. I am so sorry I didn't hear about this earlier but Lars was my friend that was always there and would help me no matter what. I love him dearly, and he will always be a part of me. I am a way better person because of the time I spent with Lars. ( once, he took me to see the Deer Hunter, then we had to walk over 4 or 5 miles home! He was silent the whole way - except to tell me to keep going. ) what I always would say to him:
Lars, you slay me....

Sally Robinson said...

Dear Angela,

Thank you for posting on Lars's tribute. Your message was such a wonderful surprise and means a great deal to me and many others who cared deeply for Lars. We still miss him. I hope your life is going well; you obviously were very special to Lars.


Your guardian angel's sister, Sally

Sister said...

9 years gone now my brother. If you were here today I can guess you'd have a great idea for a movie from what's going on. Love you.